As I lay at the beach here in Dubai & Oman (The country) with my husband for a much-needed week-long vacation, my mind has been reviewing the insane 41st year of my Life.
Five days ago, I competed in my fourth Bikini Competition, taking home 1st overall masters 40+ for the second time.
I have five children.
I have a thriving business.
And while many women my age are falling apart and feeling old?
I feel more powerful and on fire than in my 20s.
This is true because of a simple decision I made about a decade ago.
I would not allow Life to happen TO ME, but rather, I would compel Life to happen FOR ME.
This means aligning my true desires with my daily actions and allowing GOD and the universe to work through me.
This game called Life is a gift, and you can let it pass you by, or you can make the most of it.
This past year was crazy, and I grew more in the last 12 months than in the previous 3-4 years.
The most significant turning point for me was understanding that it's not my plan; it's God's plan.
Yes, I allowed GOD into my Life at a new level.
We work together in this Life as a team, GOD and I.
Once you understand this, you can be led and guided to help serve others and grow immensely within yourself at the same time.
So cheers to 41!
Remember you're in charge of what you do in this Life; your only limitations are the 6 inches of real estate between your ears.
Yes, your limitations are the stories you tell and the rules you create, and to have a bigger life, you will have to let go of old stories and engage in new rules no different than I have.
This year, I let go and let GOD be at a level I never had before and put everything on the line, my marriage, my family, and my business, to pursue the next level of living GOD was calling me into.
At 41 years old, I feel stronger and more confident than ever.
This is because of my willingness to continually put myself in uncomfortable situations, learn, grow, and strive to be a better person each day.
Like finding myself hundreds of feet off the ground paragliding with a Russian man (The pilot and guide), I had never met before, looking down at what could be a very tragic death if something were to go wrong that high up.
Was I scared?
Hell yes.
I told my husband I was going first, so I couldn't back out.
And just because I was scared, that was not an excuse not to GO, and heading into my 42nd year of Life, I am committed to making this year the biggest one yet.
And making every year the most significant year I have ever lived.
Let’s GO!
Cheers, Danielle K. White